Toenail Fungus

What is toenail fungus?

Are your toenails yellow or thickened? If so, there’s a great chance that you have a fungal infection in your toenails. A fungus is an organism that likes to live in warm/sweaty environments a.k.a. our shoes. (yikes!) Often known as onychomycosis, toenail fungus can also spread to skin around the toenail which can lead to a condition called athlete’s foot. Although anyone can be affected, this is mostly prevalent in individuals who are older or immunocompromised. Toenail fungus can also spread to other people, so early diagnosis and treatment is critical.

How can it be treated?

At our clinic, a sample of your toenail can be sent to a lab to confirm a fungal infection. Once confirmed, we can treat them in many ways including:

  • Topical anti-fungal medication

  • Oral anti-fungal medication

  • Anti-fungal foot bath

  • FDA approved laser therapy (available at our office)

  • Surgical removal of the nail




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